Investment Process
A Comprehensive Guide to Our Methodology

Daily Activities
The Research Roundup is a 7:30am EST collection of sell-side equity research, boutique research notes, and news of the day as it relates to our portfolio companies and companies we are monitoring. This is circulated among the investment team.

Weekly Activities
Strategy Level Reviews with investment team members are held each week, aided by our internal weekly HVP Risk Dashboard. You can sign up for our monthly, client-friendly version of this report here.

Quarterly Activities
During the Reporting Season, one or more HVP team members listen to the quarterly earnings conference calls for active holdings and companies we are monitoring. Recaps, observations, and questions for further research from the calls are circulated internally, giving us a real-time mosaic of the portfolio and general business climate.
Investment Quarterly - a firm-wide discussion recapping the prior quarter and developing our outlook for the quarter to come.
Continuous Monitoring
These daily, weekly, and quarterly processes help us to identify and screen opportunities to own the types of franchise businesses that we seek.
We also continually monitor the calendar of announced spinoffs, mergers, and restructurings, as well as take note of news flow around management changes and new products to keep our special situations pipeline full.

Decision Making
HVP Investment Management then seeks to distill all the observations and insights down to the 20-30 opportunities we find most attractive. We continually challenge, evaluate, and reevaluate even our most long held positions to determine their place in the portfolio.
Our approach to value investing is
- Modern
- Opportunistic
- Research driven
- Process oriented
We know what we own and why we own it.